Adam wanted to pick up the guitar the first time he heard the theme to the 90's Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers TV show. Trombone and tuba were actually his first foray into music and set the stage for his interest in classical and jazz, but his love of rock and guitar-centric music never truly diminished. Finally, he picked up guitar in high school and the rest is history.
Adam recently graduated from BYU with a Bachelors in Commercial Music. While in school, he studied with local legends Rich Dixon, Larry Green, and Kristen Bromley, and has attended master classes and group lessons with guitarists such as John Petrucci (Dream Theater), Tosin Abasi (Animals as Leaders), Jason Richardson, Mateus Asado, and Pablo Sainz Villegas.
In addition to guitar Adam is a songwriter, producer, and audio engineer. His original works have gained recognition from the John Lennon Scholarship Foundation and Progspace Magazine. Adam also plays guitar and is a principal songwriter and producer for Provo-based prog rock band Man May Be.
Adam's approach to teaching is holistic - focusing not just on the technique and theory, but the experience of connecting with the instrument and making it a channel to free his students' artistic voice.